
About Me

Conference Presented a comprehensive study on state-of-the-art Image Recognition applied to low-voltage equipment at CIRED 2023, Rome, Italy. Resources available: Article | Poster | Presentation. Graduation This graduation ceremony stands as a proud testament to perseverance and achievement. It marks the transition from student life to the next chapter of professional aspirations. Hobbies Walking: Engaging in long walks while listening to long-format podcasts. Technology Enthusiast: Always at the forefront of the latest technological trends and innovations. Web3: Keeping track of advancements in the world of decentralized web. 📜 Recommendations José Lopes: Manager at EDF R&D, Paris-Saclay William Lair : Head of Enedis Lab Picardie 📂 Additional Documents Resume Cover Letter 📬 Let’s Connect! Feel free to reach out via email for potential freelance collaborations ! Email: 📧